Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Al Gore on a Good Day

The more I hear about Al Gore as a prospective presidential in 2008, the more I think he's better off being written about than seen. Here's Gore on what should have been a triuimphant appearance before a Congressional hearing on energy policy (as featured on AOL.) Take the Nobel for your work on global warming and get off the stage. Nobody likes you.

Europe in 2015

Yes, George Bush might bring democracy to the Middle East. Then again . . .


You knew it would happen someday.

Beach Wear

Over all the changing times, you can't beat fun at the old beach.

The New Desktop

In a changing world, how far away is this?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Big Game, Small Car

Jim Bostrom passes along this image of a Montana hunter who just bagged himself an elk. What was he thinking?

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Slippery When Slippery

It's a dangerous world out there. Mitch Apley's got the signs to prove it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Another Sign of the Times

In case you can't visualize the problem. . .